Looking for no cost fundraising ideas for youth groups at your church?
We extend a warm welcome to you from Fundraisingzone.com, the home of the “No cost fund raiser”.
There is an old saying that, “It takes money to make money.” In fact, were you aware that many fund raising companies charge you up front for product?
Well, you can RELAX, because we do things a little different here. Rather than charging you up front for product, we do the exact OPPOSITE. Our program allows you pay with the money you collect from the items sold.
This makes it RISK-FREE for your group.
In addition, you will be pleased to learn that there are many types of programs you can hold that have no upfront costs.
So are you getting curious yet?
We hope you will enjoy these free suggestions to help your nonprofit ministry. church youth fundraisers
Raise Funds For Kids Groups Of All Sizes And Ages
At the top of the list would be our catalog fund raisers because they require no money out of pocket.
How does this no-cost program for your churches youth work?
- First of all, you can order your free fundraiser kit here. You will be able to look at all of the different brochures we offer including our prize program. Think about items your congregation members might enjoy.
- By the way, are you looking for suggestions? Everybody loves cookie dough so you might want to look at our cookie dough fund raising tubs. (Here is the thing, these are only $10 each which means its pretty affordable for most people to donate to your nonprofit group. They are also great to collect money for a mission trip!)
- In addition, we offer a free phone consultation. Ask as many questions as you can think of because we are ready to help you succeed.
- Your beautiful brochures will arrive in the mail before you know it. (Yes, we ship them free to you. This is yet another way to keep this a no cost fundraiser for your youth club).
- No fancy software needed! You don’t need to be a genius for this to work because we give you everything you need to succeed.
So What Happens Next—Are You Ready To Make Money?
- OK, now its your turn. The pastoral oversight of your young people is the secret here, because your leadership can make a huge difference in your results. You can make this fun by turning it into a contest which church members sell the most. Please remind your volunteers about safe fund raising practices. The safety of every child is paramount.
- Furthermore, we suggest that you make videos about your church event. These can be instructional or “mini commercials” for your products. Here is a tip… Have your youth minister interview happy customers from your congregation that love the products. As a result, it will be easier for people to feel comfortable buying your product. This is important because people want to see social proof about your merchandise—Especially if they know them personally.
- Finally the trick is to show the brochures and collect payment in ADVANCE. This is the key to your “no cost” church fund raiser. Therefore, all you have to do is pay us for what you sold and you get to keep the rest for your youth organization.
- By the way, your young people can earn up to 52% profit due to the amount of merchandise your volunteers and staff sell.
Sell Products People Love To Buy—Food Fundraising!
Think about the products you buy each week. How about the things you like to TREAT yourself to?
Doesn’t it make sense to sell products your customers want to buy?
- Cookie dough
- Snacks
- Popcorn
- Coffee
- Trail mix
- Auntie Anne Pretzels
- Peanuts
- Chocolate candy
Here Are Some Additional No Cost Fundraisers For Youth Clubs
Get your congregation members involved. People enjoy giving to help make a difference, don’t they? So your supporters will be happy to donate their time to volunteer if you ask them to!
- Text to tithe
- Raffle tickets
- Charity auctions
- Silent auctions
- Online fund raising with Crowdfunding
- Make the grade fund raiser
- Odd jobs for donations
- Duct-tape wallets sale
- Art auction
- Talent show
- Family portraits
- Bingo
- Yard sale
- Car wash
- Parents night out
- Books for bucks
- Sell wrapping paper
- Chili cook-off
- Lost treasure
- Angel festival
- Parents party
- Field day
Ready? Get Set. Text!
Finally, it’s time to get the word out about your cause. How will you spread your message to help the children?
Use the technology available at your finger tips!
Text, call and email your friends, family and neighbors about your event. Send them to your facebook page or website page that has your fundraising brochure listing the products you are selling.
Get Expert Help For Your Next Campaign
You can either try to finally figure this out on your own, or talk to someone that has success working with church ministry fundraising. The choice is up to you.
We do look forward to helping you find some no upfront cost solutions.
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- Most profitable youth group fund raisers: How does 52% profit on every sale sound to you? Allow us the opportunity to be your church fund raising company. We promise to hold your hand every step of the way so you can earn the most money.
- Small church fund raising ideas: Your small youth group can earn lots of money with our brochures. Your small group gets free brochures, envelopes and parent letters too. You also can get free shipping on qualifying orders of merchandise.
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- Church fund raising activities: Get the whole neighborhood involved. Your youth fundraiser will surely be a success when you involve local businesses, neighbors, friends and family too.
- Youth summer fund raisers: Here is a great summer dance camp event for youth groups. It is both a fun and profitable way to keep young people busy this summer.
- High profit fund raising: Your youth group wants to make the most money. Our fund raising brochures give you the opportunity to make more money with everything you sell. The more you sell the higher your profit margins are. In fact, your young people can earn up to 52% on every sale based on their sales volume.
- Ways to raise money with youth groups: Two great ways to raise money for your church youth is with our church coffee fund raiser and our faith based fund raising programs. Learn how your church youth group can earn the most money.